Outside Economics

Private Banking and Insurance

Posted by Wendell Brock on Wed, May 07, 2014

Most people have never thought that they could become their own “private bank” or that acting as your own personal lender was an option; but with the private banking concept, you are able to make this a possibility and have the opportunity for more financial freedom. This concept borrows the term “private banking” from the banking industry simply because of the similarities of creating a pool of money that you privately control that can be loaned out as needed. Having this money available allows you to remove the traditional bank from the equation and essentially you become your own personal bank.

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There are many benefits to setting up your own private bank. Private banking has over 200 years of history. It is successful in part, because it has endured over a dozen recessions and the great depression.

A private bank is protected from investment losses as well as from taxes. It grows tax-free, you can use it tax-free and you can retire on the funds tax-free. Because your own private bank is set up through a whole life insurance policy, the IRS considers the dividends earned a return of the policyholder’s premium, thus allowing the dividend to remain a tax-free benefit of the policy.

The cash build up may be taxable if used and then the policy is canceled; any gains above the premium deposits would then be taxable as long term capital gains.

Typically there are no limitations on how much you can put in, or when you have to take it out. The policies on the whole demonstrate a consistent growth between 3.5 to 7.0 percent. While volatility abounds everywhere, this remains the most consistent, predictable place for growth. It’s your money, use it when and how you want to. 

As was mentioned above, the primary vehicle by which an individual can participate in this concept of private banking is through the use of a whole life insurance policy, which acts as the individual’s lending vehicle. The whole life insurance policy becomes your bank. Whenever you need to make a large purchase, you borrow money out of the policy like you would a bank. However unlike traditional financing, you are earning the interest, rather than the bank.

For those who would argue to simply save up the money in a savings account, this notion of earning interest is the crucial detail that gives private banking a huge advantage. When you take the money out of savings, you don't make anything on the money you pulled out. The bank stops paying interest when the money leaves the account. When you take a loan from your own private bank, you still earn interest and dividends on the money as if you never took out the loan. 

Another one of the great benefits of having a private bank through life insurance is the level of additional asset protection that it provides its clients and their beneficiaries. This type of policy set-up has protected the assets of many people from frivolous law suits, bankruptcy or other creditor problems that may arise in our litigious society. In short, the values of life insurance – both the cash value and the death benefit – are protected from creditors under specific conditions. It’s important to note that the level of protection varies in every state so it warrants your further research on this subject.

In a nutshell, with these contracts, you build up tax-free capital for all of your own borrowing and financial needs; and, as a nice bonus, your family (or estate) can receive a substantial built in tax-free inheritance (death benefit), should you die; and you could receive a large, tax-free retirement income, should you live. In part, it all depends on how well you decide to fund, or over-fund, your own bank.

It is very important to understand and to appreciate that these unique policies are not the typical whole life policies sold by many life insurance agents. Instead, these policies are individually created for each person's own financial circumstances. These policies are specifically designed only by mutual life companies – not stock life insurance companies. There are only about a few dozen or less of these companies left in the United States.

As always, it is in your best interest to consult a trusted financial adviser before setting up your own private banking policy. Be aware of their credentials and make sure they know the ins and outs of creating such an individualized policy for you. This concept may not be for everyone, so be sure to study it out and decide if it is right for you.

Topics: tax free, Private Bank, Whole Life Insurance

Long-term Care Insurance

Posted by Wendell Brock, MBA, ChFC on Thu, Apr 03, 2014

Nearly everyone knows someone over age 50, the prime age to purchase Long-term care insurance (LTC), which is an insurance product that helps provide peace of mind and dignity for the elderly who need assistance caring for themselves beyond a predetermined period. There are many aspects to this insurance, how premiums are priced, when does a person go on claim, how many people need the care, etc. Below these items and many more will be discussed.long term care insurance

Long-term care insurance covers care generally not covered by health insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. Individuals who require long-term care are generally not sick in the traditional sense, but instead, are unable to perform some or all of the basic activities of daily living such as dressing, bathing, eating, toileting, continence, getting in and out of a bed or chair, and walking.

Age is not a determining factor in needing long-term care. According to the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, about 60 percent of individuals over age 65 will require at least some type of long-term care services during their lifetime. About 40% of those receiving long-term care today are between 18 and 64. Once a change of health occurs long-term care insurance may not be available. Early onset (before age 65) Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease are rare but do occur.

LTC insurance generally covers home care, assisted living, adult daycare, respite care, hospice care, nursing home and Alzheimer's facilities. If home care coverage is purchased, long-term care insurance can pay for care within your own home, often from the first day it is needed. It will pay for a visiting or live-in caregiver, companion, housekeeper, therapist or private duty nurse up to seven days a week, 24 hours a day (up to the policy benefit maximum).

Other benefits of long-term care insurance:

  • Many individuals may feel uncomfortable relying on their children or family members for support, and find that long-term care insurance could help cover out-of-pocket expenses. Without long-term care insurance, the cost of providing these services may quickly deplete the savings of the individual and/or their family.
  • Premiums paid on long-term care insurance may be eligible for an income tax deduction. The amount of the deduction depends on the age of the covered person. Benefits paid from a long-term care contract are generally excluded from income.
  • Business deductions of premiums are determined by the type of business. Generally corporations paying premiums for an employee are 100% deductible if not included in employee's taxable income.
  • Medicaid provides some of the benefits of long-term care insurance. As a welfare program, Medicaid does provide medically necessary services for people with limited resources who need nursing home care but can stay at home with special community care services. However, Medicaid generally does not cover long-term care provided in a home setting or for assisted living.

Once a person purchases a policy, the language cannot be changed by the insurance company, and the policy usually is guaranteed renewable for life. It can never be canceled by the insurance company for health reasons, but can be canceled for non-payment.

LTC insurance rates are determined by six main factors: the person's age, the daily (or monthly) benefit, how long the benefits pay, the elimination period, inflation protection, and the health rating (preferred, standard, sub-standard).

Most companies will offer couples and multi-life discounts on individual policies. Some companies define “couples” not only to spouses, but also to two people who meet criteria for living together in a committed relationship and sharing basic living expenses.

Most companies offer multiple premium payment modes: annual, semi-annual, quarterly, and monthly. Companies may add a percentage for more frequent payment than annual. Options such as spousal survivorship, non-forfeiture, restoration of benefits and return of premium are available with most plans.

You should not purchase any long term care insurance if you currently receive or may soon receive Medicaid benefits, if you have limited assets and can’t afford the premiums over the lifetime of your policy, or if your only source of income is a social security benefit or supplemental security income. Insurance companies and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners advise that you should not spend more than 7% of your income on this insurance.

The LTC industry suggests that you’ll pay less if you buy your policy at age 50 instead of waiting until age 60 as others recommend. Many people worry that if they wait until age 60 to buy LTC, they will develop a medical condition that will either prevent them from qualifying for coverage or significantly raise their premiums. The average age of purchasers has dropped from 68 years in 1990 to 61 years in 2005, and the number of purchasers who are under age 65 has increased significantly.

ltc solutions

Some may argue waiting until age 60 because you are much less likely to file a claim before that age. Statistically, 90% of LTC claims are filed for people over age 70. But if you have a family history of illness at a young age, or you are losing sleep because you’re worried about getting sick and not being able to afford care, then buy LTC when you can afford it. The peace of mind is worth more than any cash you’ll save on premiums.

Many people think that they will use a retirement account to help fund Long-term Care, should you need it. Remember withdrawals from retirement accounts are subject to income tax. However if this is done right the withdrawals for Long-term Care maybe income tax free, saving retirees thousands of tax dollars.

While there are hundreds of thousands of these policies that have been issued, still 93% of retired Americans, who are the very people who need this coverage don’t have it. It has been said that your retirement plan is not complete without long-term care insurance in place.  Have you looked into LTC insurance for yourself or your parent(s)?

Topics: retirement, LTC, LTC insurance, Long-term Insurance, elderly, Insurance, retirees, tax free


Wendell W. Brock, MBA, ChFC

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