By Carolyn C. Dowdy, President, Bank Project Solutions. Member of CBA of GA
As our world, as we use to know it, spins out of control (out of our control), the choices we make on how we perceive it affects not only our daily happiness, but everyone around us.
During this time of uncertain many of us are focusing on the negatives. If we think, talk, and preach gloom and doom that is probably what we will get....not to mention the message radiating through our organizations.
Consider focusing on the positives and things within our control. For example, lift your staff up and make them feel as important as that customer who walks through the door. I venture to say the organizations that start focusing on the positives will be the winners when we get out of the slump!
Here are a few ideas to enhance positive results:
- Have weekly or monthly pep rallies and have each staff member bring two positive ideas to lift the spirits and mood of the institution (no negative comments please).
- You might ask your staff to bring ideas to grow the organization that doesn't cost money. You will be surprised at the answers.
- After you get a list of ideas, form a team to implement the best ideas. Have the team meet regularly and reward them with Great Job!....pat on the back....go to lunch with the President...give them a "Certificate" that says Great Job!
- Maybe we have a hiring freeze and will not get a salary increase this year, think of ways to lift up the mood of your staff. Start making a list of non-monetary rewards and implement them immediately. You will be surprised how far non-monetary rewards go with your employees.
This quote has impacted my life in a very positive way and I will share it with you. "Look at a situation and ask yourself if you have control, if the answer is no let it go!" Anonymous I added more to the quote: "I focus my energy on things I have control of!"
Another quote:
"Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives". Sidney Madwed: Famous Quotes about Life
Deal with the problems, resolve them with the resources available, and stay focused on the positives. It is important to keep our staffs motivated, content, and happy during these uncertain times. Just a pat on the back and positive talk may do the trick.